Sustanon Steroid Cycles


Sustanon Steroid Cycles

Sustanon cycle is an injectable testosterone blend utilizing four different esters that cause the testosterone to release at different times. The brand name Sustanon cycle 250 is a proprietary blend of testosterone propionate (30mg), testosterone phenylpropionate (60mg), testosterone isocaproate (60mg), and testosterone decanoate (100mg) for a total of 250mg of testosterone per ml of oil.

The esters are in order from quickest to slowest to release, with the first ester, propionate, usually releasing within 24 hours and the longest ester, decanoate, lasting up to 21 days. This means, theoretically you can inject Sustanon cycle as little as every 3 weeks.

Sustanon cycle is one of the most popular testosterone products ever sold, having reached a near mythical status as a muscle builder. There are a few reasons for this; first, Sustanon cycle is a decent mass builder and since testosterone is the king of mass builders, having four types of testosterone must mean it is great.

Second, due to the propionate ester, the product starts working almost immediately versus a longer ester such as enanthate, which will take longer to accumulate in blood levels to provide noticeable results. Lastly, Sustanon cycle is the product is readily available and cheap from any overseas distributor.

Sustanon cycle has the normal side effects associated with testosterone use, especially in high dosages, such as; estrogenic effects like gynocomastia, altered cholesterol values, and hair loss in males. This product is not recommended for female users.

Normal dosages for male users range from 250mg per week up to 1000mg per week. If higher dosages are used, multiple injections per week are recommended to maintain more stable blood levels due to the constant release of quicker esters.  

Sustanon cycle was originally produced by Organon in the early 1970's, but never for sale in the United States. It is manufactured in many countries such as Russia, Mexico, Spain, Egypt and others. Sustanon cycle has a cult following, making it a very popular steroid to counterfeit, so buyers must be aware of what they are purchasing.